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« Wisdom from Cuba | Main | Freaky Goatee »



I'm sure you've heard this a thousand times already but God's gonna do something really big for you. Can't wait to see what it is. We'll keep you in our prayers. Oh and the comment to the above is "creepy". Facial hair on some guys just doesn't work.

I've got one word for you. Jameson. And a Cuban cigar. which in your area should be a lot easier to get a hold of than it is where I live. Then watch at least 4 straight episodes of "the office". BBC version.

my work is done here.

Back in June, 2000 both my apartment and my Jeep were broken into in a 20 day period of time. I thought someone was stalking me. What makes it even worse is the Jeep was sitting in the church parking lot during Vacation Bible School! Makes me laugh now.

Sorry to hear about it Jeff.

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